Layout Animations in React Native

Kiran Shinde
2 min readMay 9, 2020

How about adding a pinch of salt with Layout Animations & providing much better interaction with your mobile up to end-users. Yes, it's possible with few lines of code you can revamp the Ui Appeal of your mobile application.

Consider a simple example of conditionally rendering a Ui Element. You want the element to get into the screen & leave the screen smoothly/with some effect & it shouldn’t be an abrupt change.

With LayoutAnimations you can automatically animate the views to their new positions when the next layout happens.

Step 1: Import the below classes

import { LayoutAnimation, Platform, UIManager} from “react-native”;

Step 2: Initialize this in the constructor

if (Platform.OS === ‘android’) { UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true); }

Step 3: Call when the UI Layout changes


Types of Animations Presets available:

With this I have created an Accordion Component which animates the UI Component on expanding & Collasping.

You can see the code for the Accordion Element

You can also refer my Github repo for the full source code:



Kiran Shinde

Trying hands across Tech Stack | Tambola Offline Creator